Location Bookmarklets

I have made a few custom bookmarklets that I bring to my internet experience. These allow me to perform a few tasks that I do on a regular basis in one step rather than copying, surfing to a new page, pasting. These are bookmarks for let me go from Google Maps to other sites that can give me a different view of that location information. Please share any other bookmarklets or sites..

Google Maps to Zoom Earth


Google Maps to Ingress

javascript:(function(){{params=location.href.match(/www\.google\.[a-z]{2,4}(?:\.[a-z]{2})?\/maps\/.*@(-?\d{1,3}\.\d+),(-?\d{1,3}\.\d+),(\d+\.?\d{0,2})(a|m|z)/);if(params!=null){switch(params[4]){case"z":z=params[3];break;case"m":z=20-Math.log(params[3]/86.875)/Math.log(2);break;case"a":z=20-Math.log(params[3]/186.0278)/Math.log(2);break;}window.open("https://intel.ingress.com/intel?ll=" + params[1] + "," + params[2]+ "&z="+Math.round(z)) ;}else{alert("GoogleMaps-> ZoomEarth\nonly");}}})()

Google Maps to Twitter

javascript:(function(){{params=location.href.match(/www\.google\.[a-z]{2,4}(?:\.[a-z]{2})?\/maps\/.*@(-?\d{1,3}\.\d+),(-?\d{1,3}\.\d+),(\d+\.?\d{0,2})(a|m|z)/);if(params!=null){switch(params[4]){case"z":z=params[3];break;case"m":z=20-Math.log(params[3]/86.875)/Math.log(2);break;case"a":z=20-Math.log(params[3]/186.0278)/Math.log(2);break;}window.open("https://x.com/search?q=geocode%3A" + params[1] + "," + params[2]+ ",3km"+"&src=typed_query&f=live") ;}else{alert("GoogleMaps-> ZoomEarth\nonly");}}})()

Google Maps to GeoHack

javascript:(function(){{params=location.href.match(/www\.google\.[a-z]{2,4}(?:\.[a-z]{2})?\/maps\/.*@(-?\d{1,3}\.\d+),(-?\d{1,3}\.\d+),(\d+\.?\d{0,2})(a|m|z)/);if(params!=null){switch("z"){case"z":z=params[3];latv=Math.abs(params[1]);lat1=Math.floor(latv);lat2 = Math.floor((latv - lat1 ) * 60);lat3=Math.floor((latv-lat1-lat2 / 60) * 3600);lonv=Math.abs(params[2]);lon1=Math.floor( lonv );lon2=Math.floor((lonv-lon1) * 60);lon3=Math.floor(( lonv-lon1-lon2 / 60) * 3600);lat4 = params[1] > 0 ? 'N' : 'S' ;lon4 = params[2] > 0 ? 'E' : 'W' ;break;}window.open("https://geohack.toolforge.org/geohack.php?params=" + lat1 + "_" + lat2 +"_"+lat3+"_"+lat4+"_" + lon1 + "_" + lon2 +"_"+lon3+"_"+lon4) ;}else{alert("GoogleMaps-> GeoHack\nonly");}}})()

To look at my other bookmarklets check out these:


Custom Bookmarklets for Power Surfing

Star Wars Viewing Order

It’s Star Wars day again! One of my co-workers admitted that he had never seen the movies. For shame. At least he was interested in rectifying the situation.

This sparked much discussion about what a ‘correct’ order might be.

If you’ve already seen all the movies a time or two skip ahead. If it’s your FIRST introduction here in 2024 here is my recommendation:

Release Order
Ep. 4 A New Hope
Ep. 5 Empire Strikes back
Ep. 6 Return of the Jedi
Ep. 1 Phantom Menace
Ep. 2 Attack of the Clones
Ep. 3 Revenge of the Sith
Ep. 7 The Force Awakens
Ep. 8 The Last Jedi
Ep. 9 The Rise of Skywalker

After you’ve had some time to digest. After you’ve watched other movies. After a good cry. When you’re ready to have a new Star Wars experience it’s time for a story order viewing.

Story Order
Ep. 1 Phantom Menace
Ep. 2 Attack of the Clones
Ep. 3 Revenge of the Sith
Ep. 4 A New Hope
Ep. 5 Empire Strikes back
Ep. 6 Return of the Jedi
Optional, but recommended this time
Ep. 7 The Force Awakens
Ep. 8 The Last Jedi
Ep. 9 The Rise of Skywalker

Now if you’re already a Star Wars junkie and you’re just looking for a different experience.

Machete Order
Ep. 4 A New Hope
Optional and discouraged Ep. 1 Phantom Menace
Optional depending on time Ep. 2 Attack of the Clones
Optional depending on time Ep. 3 Revenge of the Sith
Ep. 5 Empire Strikes back
Ep. 6 Return of the Jedi
Ep. 7 The Force Awakens
Ep. 8 The Last Jedi
Ep. 9 The Rise of Skywalker

Alternatively, read this Star Wars Theory and re-watch in whichever order you like.

Of course, if at any point you have the ability to watch the original theatrical cuts you should start over as though you haven’t seen anything.

What order do you like to watch the movies? How would you fit the extended movies and shows in?

Contact your Representative to End Daylight Savings

I don’t like Daylight Savings Time. You’re here so you probably don’t either.

I wanted an easy copy/paste template letter to send to my representatives to convey my thoughts. Now that I have one I’m sharing.

Please contact your representative.

Federal Representatives: https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member
State Representatives: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/map
All: https://www.270towin.com/elected-officials/

Subject: Support Ending Daylight Savings Time

Honorable [Representative],

I’m writing to ask for your support in ending daylight savings time in our state. The biannual time changes cause unnecessary disruptions and confusion for everyone.

Let’s simplify our lives and improve efficiency by abolishing daylight savings time. It’s a small change that will make a big difference for all of us.

Thank you for considering this issue.

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[Your Contact Information]

Bungee Scope Cover/Cap on LVPO

3D Printed Scope Cover

I saw a shock/bungee scope cover on Insta or YT, and I decided I needed it. But, it wasn’t an ad, so I don’t know where to get it. I have calipers and a 3D printer so I figured it out.

This cover or cap can be adapted for any circular device. I can think of optic, red dot, and flashlight.

I tried modeling in TinkerCAD. It was functional but not adaptable. I tried Revit but it wasn’t going to be accessible. I bit the bullet and learned OpenSCAD. This allowed me to design the cover with variables in a format anyone can access, and natively supported on Thingiverse.

The main variable to adjust is scope_diameter. Size it slightly larger to fit easily. The cord will keep it from rattling.
For personal preference, scope_Height can be adjusted.
Depending on your shock cord and printer settings you might need to adjust paracord_diameter to get enough tolerance.

After 30 prototypes I’m ready to share.

Get it here and customize your own https://thingiverse.com/thing:6279778
Watch the installation video. https://youtu.be/B90__c3qAwk

I used Polymaker PLA Pro filament and Paracord Planet Shock Cord.
Some links are affiliate.

SOLVED: Revit Nested IFC Model Not Showing

My typical path to solve a Revit issue is to describe my issue and search online. 9 times out of 10 that gives me the solution. Didn’t work this time.
My Situation: My AutoCAD Revit 2021 model “A” has a linked Revit model “B”. Inside B is a linked IFC model “C”. In A I couldn’t see the content of C, and it was very important. I looked in all the normal places of visibility graphics/phase/etc. They key to the mystery was to go into Model B and set the IFC link Reference Type to “Attachment”

After a reload, this solved my issue.

I searched for “revit ifc model in linked model not showing” & “Revit Nested IFC Model Not Showing” but neither helped. Hopefully this helps someone.

Charging Your iPad: A Look at the History of Apple’s Charging Cables

Are you an Apple fan who has owned multiple iPads over the years? If so, you’ve probably noticed that the charging cables for these tablets have changed quite a bit since the first one was released back in 2010. In this article, we’ll take a look at the evolution of iPad charging cables and how they’ve improved over time.

When the original iPad was launched, it came with a proprietary charging cable that featured a 30-pin connector on one end and a USB connector on the other. This cable was specifically designed for use with the iPad and couldn’t be used with other devices. It was used to charge the iPad as well as transfer data between the device and a computer.

In 2012, Apple introduced the iPad mini, which featured a new type of connector called the lightning connector. This connector was smaller, faster, and more durable than the 30-pin connector, and it was reversible, meaning you could plug it into the iPad in either direction. The lightning connector quickly became the standard charging connector for all of Apple’s devices, including the iPhone and iPod.

Fast forward to 2017, and Apple released the iPad Pro, which featured a USB-C connector instead of the lightning connector. The USB-C connector is even smaller and faster than the lightning connector, and it can be used to charge the iPad Pro as well as transfer data and video to and from the device. It’s also compatible with other devices that have a USB-C port, such as laptops and monitors.

But let’s not forget about wireless charging options! In 2018, Apple released the AirPower charging mat, which allowed users to charge their iPad and other devices wirelessly by simply placing them on the mat. Unfortunately, the AirPower charging mat was eventually cancelled due to technical difficulties.

In conclusion, the charging cables for the Apple iPad have come a long way since the first one was released. From the 30-pin connector to the lightning connector to the USB-C connector, these cables have allowed for faster charging and data transfer speeds, as well as greater compatibility with other devices. Do you have a favorite charging cable or wireless charging method for your iPad? Let us know in the comments!

Find your Straight Talk Account Number

All the instructions I found online for how to find your Straight Talk Account Number are wrong. I have figured out the right way and am going to share it with you.

For my Bring Your Own Phone (BYOP) plan the account number is the IMEI number of the phone I have been using. I’m not sure how long it takes to switch over when you insert the SIM into the new phone.

Find IMEI Android.

Find IMEI iPhone.

Use this information to transfer your number.

I hope this helps you and saves you some trouble.

2022 Honda Civic OpenPilot Car Harness

You’re here. You probably have an 11th Gen Honda Civic and you want to run OpenPilot. Hopefully, shortly after I post this comma will make a Car Harness for this model and you’ll just buy that. Until then, hopefully I can help.

The first thing to do is open the trim at the camera and have a look at the existing connector. Here is what mine looks like.

Honda Civic 2022 Camera Connector

Check out https://techinfo.honda.com/ for what the pin-outs align to. (Look at the wire color, not the terminal number.)

Look at your connector, the standard comma ai Bosch Harness, and the harness adapter. This is the jumping off point. Obviously the pin-outs are different, if for no other reason than 2022 Honda Sensing dropped the radar.

Your first question after reviewing your connector pin-out and the comma harness pin-out should be around the adapter board.

comma ai Custom Honda Bosch Adapter Board Photo

I used a continuity checker on the adapter I received and here is the pin-out. You might benefit from double checking the one you receive. Make modifications to my notes as required.

comma ai Custom Honda Bosch Adapter Board Pinout

Now you should have all the information you need. If all of your hardware matches mine then my schematic should work.

2022 Honda Civic Bosch Pin-Out
2022 Honda Civic Harness Schematic

Now how I did it. I ordered the Car Harness for Civic 2020 (Bosch). I thought I could easily remove the pins from the MX34 connector and arrange them as needed. This was not the case. It was hard. I bought this extraction tool set. Here is a diagram that may aide you.

MX34 side view diagram

I was finally able to get most of the pins out. Leave the brown, it doesn’t move. The other cable that I wasn’t able to move (yellow) was in a place that was going to have a cable in the end. For this instance, I swapped it on the harness side with the correct cable. I labeled both sides of each cable with tape so I could identify them later.

If you get stuck there is another option. You can cut off the Bosh connector and ordered a new connector and terminals. (I think you could order a “Development vehicle” harness but I’m not sure what you get. Let me know if you go this route.)

Mouser Part Part Mfgr Description Qty USD ea.
656-MX34M12PF1MX34M12PF1JAE ElectronicsAutomotive Connectors 1$1.35
656-M34S75C4F1M34S75C4F1 JAE Electronics Automotive Connectors Socket Contact For MX34 Housing12$0.047
538-501646-12005016461200Molex CONN RECEPT 12POS 2MM 1$0.56
538-501648-1000-LP501648-1000MolexHeaders & Wire Housings IGRID FEM TERM Loose PC12$0.081

You shouldn’t need the Molex connector or terminals. However, if you’re already paying for shipping so spend the $1.53 for a little insurance.

Molex Connector Tab

On the Molex connector, gently lift the tabs and remove the pins. Then, reattach according to the 2022 schematic.

On the MX34 connector, lift the retainer, remove each cable (except brown or any other you determine remains). Insert into the MX34 connector according to the 2022 schematic, lower the retainer.

That’s it! You are now set up to install your Comma.