DIY Trading Cards, Part 5: Card Box

If you haven’t already, please see the preceding articles on making trading cards at home:
DIY Trading Cards, Part 1
DIY Trading Cards, Part 2: Making it Physical
DIY Trading Cards, Part 3: Specialty Cards
DIY Trading Cards, Part 4: Packs

Now that you have your packs made, you’ll want to keep them somewhere until they get opened. Sure, a plastic bag or shoebox will do, but it’s boring. A box is very simple to make (compared to some of the other parts) and adds some zing.

This box is sized for two stacks of packs with inner dimensions of 4″ x 5.5″. It is made from magazine backerboards available online or at your local comic book store.

If these dimensions suit your needs you, can use my template.
I have included the native GIMP file and also saved to Photoshop.
Box_square.xcf (33.4 KB)
Box_square.psd (142 MB)

After you have have something you’re happy with, print it out. Cut along the edge.

If you’ve designed in a pop up cover, now is the time. You can trace it with a craft knife or follow the instruction from this guy to make perforations. Leave a few places still attached so that the lid holds together until you’re ready to have it open for good. Make sure you cut down to the halfway point (and only that far!) on the sides so that the lid will fit into the back.

Make a crisp fold for the corners. I used a straight edge and a wide putty knife for each fold.

Glue the corners together. Hold until dry.

Next Up: Binder