ELBC, Part 159

I am so far behind. Sorry.

11 cents
Total: $0.11
1 cent
Total: $0.01
5 cents
Total: $0.05
2 cents
1 nickel
Total: $0.07
1 cent
Total: $0.01
1 cent
1 dime
Total: $0.11
1 cent
Total: $0.01
1 cent
Total: $0.01
1 nickel
Total: $0.05
1 cent
1 dime
Total: $0.11
2 cents
Total: $0.02
7 cents
Total: $0.07
1 quarter
Total: $0.25
3 cents
Total: $0.03
2 cents
1 nickel
Total: $0.07
1 cent
1 dime
Total: $0.11
4 cents
Total: $0.04
1 cent
Total: $0.01
1 cent
Total: $0.01
36 cents
Total: $0.36
1 cent
Total: $0.01
1 cent
Total: $0.01
1 cent
1 dime
Total: $0.11
2 cents
Total: $0.02
1 cent
Total: $0.01
1 cent
1 dime
Total: $0.11
1 quarter
Total: $0.25
1 cent
Total: $0.01
2015 Cumulative: $2.04

Overall Cumulative: $50.87 Loose Change

ELBC 2014 Review

ELBC 2014 Review2014 was the second year of my Every Little Bit Counts project. I think combining posts as I go rather than reporting each day on it’s own was an improvement. I still had trouble remembering to post. At least once I had over a month to do at a time.

The first thing I noticed is the number of $1 bills I found this year. Almost half of the money I found came from good old greenbacks. I also found a partial roll of dimes. That was a little weird. Again, pennies were the vast majority of what I found though closer to 75% than 84%.

Continue reading

Custom Bookmarklets for Power Surfing

I have made a few custom bookmarklets that I bring to my internet experience. These allow me to perform a few tasks that I do on a regular basis in one step rather than copying, surfing to a new page, pasting. These are bookmarks for productivity.

This one takes me to the Internet Archive Wayback Machine page for the current site I’m accessing:


This updates the Amazon.com product page to one with my affiliate link, like for this Hard Drive I just bought.

javascript:void(location.href='http://www.amazon.com/dp/' + document.getElementsByName('ASIN')[0].value + '/?tag=000703-20')

This one uses a Google API to creates the QR-Code for the web page you are visiting.

javascript: location.href='http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=qr&chs=350x350&chl='+escape(location.href);

Camelcamelcamel is a great service that charts the Amazon.com price of all products so you can see if you are getting a good price. This bookmarklet can take me there in one step.

javascript:void(window.open('http://www.camelcamelcamel.com/product/' + document.getElementsByName('ASIN')[0].value))

I hope that these can be useful to you or even inspire you to create new bookmarklets to serve your purposes.

Merge Columns from multiple Workbooks in Excel with VBA

I had an opportunity where I had several workbooks (5 to be exact) that are updated on a regular basis, daily in some cases. Each workbook has similar information but in different locations. For my usage I desired to combine the applicable columns into a single set of columns in one Excel file. A merged document will allow me to look in one location rather than five, and find all the results.

I searched and searched and wasn’t able to find anyone else who had solved my particular problem. I set out to learn a little Visual Basic For Applications (VBA) so that I could accomplish the task. Continue reading

JavaScript Color wheel

I was in need of an elegant way to demonstrate progression across separate articles of media but still show continuity. I decided upon a combination of shapes and colors. for the colors I wanted to flow from mostly white, through the color/hue spectrum to mostly black. I couldn’t figure out a way to get these values without manually selecting them so I did a little research into ways of defining colors. In my search I found a circular layout of colors that seemed to be what I needed. I also learned about HSV which turned out to be the turning point, allowing me to turn my color selection into a set of equations. Continue reading

Convert Drupal to WordPress

drupal to wordpressI have used Drupal for the last year or two and have finally gotten fed up with it. There are plenty of places online that discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each platform so I won’t do it here.

The main thing keeping me from going back to a simple WordPress installation was an easy way to move all my old content out of the Drupal CMS in a manner that would be simple to move it into a WordPress CMS.

I looked at some Modules built specially to do the task. I looked at some pay software as well. None of those options did what I needed. Even the pay program had poor reviews. Continue reading